Go-To-Market Solutions for the Future of the Internet and Media
Through an array of ready-to-deploy products and services, we are building an ecosystem for businesses to harness new subcultural trends in media and entertainment - consequently aiming for ourselves to become the leading solutions provider in the space.

We provide products, solutions and services that open new avenues for brands to connect with their audiences.
Engage Gamers-as-an-Audience

GameGarage is a new digital playground for gamers to play tournaments, create squads, interact with other gamers and grow their communities.
Covering the entire videogaming landscape - from tournaments to live broadcasts, GameGarage offers brands a 360-degree approach to reach, engage and influence the gaming audience.
1st Tournament Kicks off on 15-07-2023

First Tournament Begins
15 July 2023

Fan Engagement with Videogaming

GG+ is a fan engagement platform for sports teams, celebrities, events and rights holders.
Built on the GameGarage® tournament engine, GG+ offers a fully customized solution to engage with fans and followers on a new digital playground -
Now Available
StreamPala is a livestream advertising platform that connects brands with hundreds of livestreamers. The platform automatically places ads inside the livestreamers' content, where it can be viewed by millions of Gen-Z users on YouTube, Facebook and Twitch every day.
Launches in September 2023.

Streamer Registrations
Now Open for Beta

From figuring out safer ways to navigate the web, to supplementing mainstream learning in geography and math, to building essential soft skills like confidence, perseverance, teamwork and cultural awareness - Our for-school programs help children use games to improve their learning outcome.
In Development. Launch Q2 2024.
Stories, news, updates and opinions on how the Metaverse, Web3 and related economies are shaping up in India.

Our Outlook on a New Internet, in Your Inbox.
An assortment of ideas and opinions that reflect our approach to the evolving New Internet scenario, and how business can tap in.
Shared monthly.
What is the Metaverse? Who is building it? Where do you find it? How can you become a part of it?
Understand the basics with our Metaverse 101 session today.